of indices iz, > m such that, for every x e E, there is at least one index z for which
IK*) - uml(x)\\ ^ e (use (a) and the Borel-Lebesgue axiom).

2. For any integer n > 0, let gn be the continuous function defined in R by the conditions
that gn(t) = 0 for r<0 and / 5* 2/n, ^(1/n) = 1, and #,(*) has the form act + ft (with
suitable constants a, /?) in each of the intervals [0, l//z] and [l//i, 2//i]. The sequence (#„)
converges simply to 0 in R, but the convergence is not uniform in any interval con-
taining / = 0.

Let m-*rm be a bijection of N onto the set Q of rational numbers, and let
fn(t) = £ 2~mgn(t — rm). The functions/„ are continuous (7.2.1), and the sequence (/„)
converges simply to 0 in R, but the convergence is not uniform in any interval of R.
3. Let I be a compact interval of R, and (/„) a sequence of monotone real functions defined
in I, which converge simply in I to a continuous function/. Show that/is monotone,
and that the sequence (/„) converges uniformly to/in I.

4. Let E be a metric space, F a Banach space, A a dense subset of E. Let (/„) be a sequence
of bounded continuous mappings of E into F such that the restrictions of the functions
/„ to A form a uniformly convergent sequence; show that (/„) is uniformly convergent
in E.

5. Let E be a metric space, F a normed space. Show that the mapping (*, u) u(x) of
E x ^F°(E) into F is continuous.

6. Let E, E' be two metric spaces, F a normed space. For each mapping/of E x E' into
F and each y e E', let/, be the mapping x -»/(*, y) of E into F.

(a) Show that if/is bounded, if each fy is continuous in E and if the mapping y ~^fy
of E' into ^F(E) is continuous, then/is continuous. Prove the converse if in addition
E is compact (use Problem 3(a) in Section 3.20).

(b) Take E = E' = F = R, and let f(xt y) — sin xy, which is continuous and bounded
in E x E'; show that the mapping y-+fy of E' into #F(E) is not continuous at any
point of E'.

(c) Suppose both E and E' are compact, and for any / e #F(E x E'), let / be the
mapping y-*fy of E' into #V(E); show that the mapping /->/ is a linear isometry of
^F(E x EO onto ^F<E)(E').

7. Let E be a metric space, F a normed space. For each bounded continuous mapping /
of E into F, let G(/) be the graph of/in the space E X F.

(a) Show that /->• G(/) is a uniformly continuous injective mapping of the normed
space ^F (E) into the space §(E x F) of closed sets in E x F, which is made into a
metric space by the Hausdorff distance (see Section 3.16, Problem 3). Let T be the
image of *f?(E) by the mapping/-* G(/).

(b) Show that if E is compact, the inverse mapping G "J of F onto ^'F (E) is continuous
(give an indirect proof).

(c) Show that if E = [0,1] and F = R, G"1 is not uniformly continuous.
8. Let E be a metric space with a bounded distance d. For each xeE let dx be the bounded
continuous mapping y -*d(x,y) of E into R. Show that x-*dx is an isometry of E
onto a subspace of the Banach space ^R(E).

For any metric space E, the vector space «£(E) (resp. #£(E)) is an algebra
over the real (resp. complex) field ; from (7.1 .1) it follows that we have in that
algebra \\fg\\ < ||/|| • \\g\\, hence, by (5.5.1), the bilinear mapping (f,g)-+fg